This is an incredibly unofficial resource for doctors at Northern Health, Victoria, Australia It hopefully provides some unofficial and not necessarily up to date tips and tricks on doing things more efficiently in EMR
Before you start using this website, I should first direct you to the official EMR website here. Click the link to be speedily delivered there.
The Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) are great resources for telling you to do things. I highly recommend them at this link here
This website is intended to provide a very easily searched library of tips, tricks and answers
I would recommend you press the keyboard combination Control (CTRL) and F to bring up your web browser's search tool
Now you can search for what you want. We could do this with a flashier website, but I reckon simple is faster. Everything is on this page, just search for what you want
The general naming format is Category | Application | How do I do that | Version number | Date of upload
Ideally I will aim for a single small jpeg or png image to capture what you need to do. Sometimes a word document might be required to convey it
Standard acronyms and terms used in titles